I'm procrastinating in bed while trying to get my Xmas list sort out ^^'. I'm already counting the days 'till I get home *D-11 baby*. Me and the C' have booked tickets to go to Paris for a few days...between Xmas and New Year Eve *bounce bounce bounce*
BlackBerry shot
I did had my moments here, such as the Cheap and Chic convention. I'm a huge vintage chick at heart, it's brilliant, it's uncommon, it's fun...it's CHEAP ! So you can only guess my excitement when a friend asked me if I was interested to come along. Off we went !! It was a fantastic sale, there was lots of amazing items...a friend beat us all up by getting a brand new Burberry trench only the quarter of its original price *dies* Anyways, me I bought a long cozy jumper and a pair of brand new trainee =) I fell in love with a leather jacket but unfortunately it was too big *cries*
Speaking of jacket, I received my favorite winter coat the other day. My folks had to ship it to my flat as I already had an overweight luggage last time I flied from home *luv luv luv* Packing is always a challenging thing for me to do. See, I miss my friends and family so much that I want to take as much as I can with me *roll eyes* here's a snap to prove it
Look at that hot mess...shame shame shame !
here for the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jaI1XOB-bs
Gosh this look guuuute =)
Yosh, back to laziness mmhmmhmmm ....